Kidsville MOOP / LNT

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Kidsville MOOP / LNT

Post by Steve »

What is MOOP?
You will hear the term MOOP a lot at Borderland, it stands for Matter Out Of Place. MOOP not only refers to trash but anything lying around that either belongs somewhere else or that can be re-used somewhere else.

What is LNT?
Leave No Trace. When we leave Kidsville for 2024, we want to leave is as or in better conditon as when we arrived.

Kidsville MOOP Station
Beside the kitchen tent you will find the Kidsville MOOP station. In 2023, we made a makeshift structure over bins to stop them being filled with water when it rained. All trash MUST be in transparent plastic bags. Trash is sorted into the following:
- Biodegradable (brown paper bags provided)
- Cardboard
- Clear glass
- Coloured glass
- Metal
- Plastics
- Wood (no nails/screws)
- Refundables (drink cans and bottles)
We kindly ask you to seperate your waste as there is no general waste! If you accumulategeneral waste, please take it home with you!
We did have one bin dedicated to nappies. This was able to be emptied into a special skip bin.

Emptying MOOP
Trash generally needs to be emptied daily from Wednesday onwards. If you contribute to the trash, you should contribute to emptying it at least once. Kidsville has a small wagon which can be used to transport rubbish to 'Trash To Treaure'. At Trash To Treaure there are skip bins for each type of trash.

Strike MOOP Sweep / Leave No Trace
After the camp has been pulled down and packed away, we need to ensure that there is nothing left. First of all in the area around your camp, and then around our communal areas. We should strive to leave Kidsville in the same state or better than when we arrived.

In 2023, our signup sheet for emptying the trash didn't work. A few individuals took it on themselves to empty the trash over the week. This year we will have a noticeboard and put up this information.
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