Drinking Water / Dishwashing Water

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Joined: 08 Apr 2024, 09:30

Drinking Water / Dishwashing Water

Post by Steve »

There is a well behind the barn with water suitable for drinking, cooking and washing dishes.
In 2023, volunteers collected water in large containers in the wagon.
There is talk of possible water tanks around the camping areas this year.

The well water has a brown tint. I'm unsure if it needs to be boiled before being consumed? And unsure if there has ever been a water analysis? (Last year I personally bought my own water, maybe someone else knows?)

Kidsville Dishwashing Station
In the kitchen tent, we had a dishwashing station with two tubs. One to wash, and one to rinse. ONLY eco detergent is allowed! Greywater can be poured out in an appropriate area (last year this was a ditch 20 metres from the kitchen tent).
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