
Placement, power, water, waste management, toilets...
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Joined: 08 Apr 2024, 09:30


Post by Steve »

Kidsville is one of the larger camps at Borderland, and as such we're presumably one of the larger energy consumers (excluding sounds camps). In 2023, power was not connected until late Tuesday / Wednesday. I do not know why this was the case.

- Dining/Kitchen tent lighting
- Additional communal tent lighting
- Fridge
- Kettle
- Probably more?

If you plan to power your camp - whether tent, caravan or other - it is essential that you bring a long water-resistant extension cord (minimum 15 metres) and preferably a water-resistant powerboard. It could and probably will rain at some point. So it is essential that conections are water-resistant, or if not - protected from rain. If the connection gets wet, the circuit breaker will trip, and everyone on that circuit will lose power.

Camps within Kidsville often daisy-chain. That is - a different cord leading from one camp to the next, as opposed to everyone running a cord back to the source. If there is too much load is on one circuit, the power will also trip. In which case you'll need to find another line or go back to the source. This was a little confusing in 2023. It was unknown to many where the source actually was. This year will plan to have a noticeboard with a map that will make the grid within Kidsville much clearer.
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